smiling pediatric patient before pulp therapy at tyler pediatric dentist

Pulpal Therapy for Children

Pulpal therapy, also known as a baby root canal, is a standard procedure for children with severe tooth decay. At Tyler Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that pulpal therapy can be a daunting experience for children and parents. That’s why we prioritize the comfort and safety of our young patients during the procedure. Our team of experienced pediatric dental professionals uses the latest techniques and technology to ensure that pulpal therapy is as painless and stress-free as possible.

Reasons for Pulpal Therapy in Children

Pulpal therapy may be necessary for several reasons in children, including:

  • Tooth Decay: Tooth decay can cause infection and pain that can spread to the tooth’s pulp. If the decay is too severe to be treated with a filling or a crown, pulpal therapy may be necessary to save the tooth.
  • Trauma: If a child has suffered trauma to their tooth, the pulp may be damaged, causing pain and sensitivity. In this case, pulpal therapy may be necessary to save the tooth.
  • Baby Teeth: Baby teeth are essential for proper chewing, speech development, and guiding permanent teeth into their correct position. If a baby’s tooth is severely decayed or damaged, pulpal therapy may be necessary to save it until it is time to fall out naturally.

The Pulpal Therapy Procedure

Before the pulpal therapy procedure, Dr. Ritchie will thoroughly examine your child’s tooth and take x-rays to determine the best course of action. If your child is anxious or nervous about the procedure, we may offer sedation or nitrous oxide to help them relax.

During the procedure, Dr. Ritchie will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. Dr. Ritchie will then remove the decay and damaged pulp from the tooth and clean the root canal. Once the root canal is cleaned and disinfected, Dr. Ritchie will fill the canal with a material that will help the tooth heal. That’s it!

After the Pulpal Therapy Procedure

After the procedure, your child may experience some discomfort and sensitivity for a few days. Dr. Ritchie will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure your child’s mouth heals properly. In general, you should encourage your child to rest and avoid vigorous physical activity for the first few days after the procedure. Your child should avoid hard or crunchy foods and regularly brush and floss.

Why Choose Tyler Pediatric Dentistry?

At Tyler Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that pulpal therapy can be a stressful experience for both children and parents. That’s why we prioritize your child’s comfort and safety during the procedure. Our team of experienced pediatric dental professionals uses the latest techniques and technology to ensure that pulpal therapy is as painless and stress-free as possible.

Tyler Pediatric Dentistry Team Smiling

We also believe in open communication with our patients and their parents. We will take the time to explain the procedure and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Our goal is to ensure you and your child feel comfortable and confident throughout the process. We provide pulp therapy in Tyler, TX! If you are a parent who wants to learn more, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our pediatric dentist!