Building Healthy Habits for a Sparkling Smile
To ensure that your child has a healthy smile and a bright future, here are some simple tips to encourage great dental habits and protect their overall health.
- Ask Dr. Ritchie or his team to help you assess your child’s diet.
- Provide a balanced diet, saving foods with sugar or starch for mealtimes.
- Limit the number of snack times and choose nutritious snacks.
- Shop smart! Buy “fun foods” just for special times, rather than regularly stocking your pantry with sugary or starchy foods.
- Don’t put your young child to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice.
- If your child chews gum or sips soda, choose those without sugar.
- Floss once a day and brush thoroughly twice a day. Ask us if you have concerns about fluoride toothpaste and supplements.
- Consider preventative treatments such as sealants when recommended.
Courtesy of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.